No longer STUCK in Illinois!! After 30 years of living in Northern Illinois we are officially nomads. Our motto....Let's go on an adventure! You'll likely find us hanging out by a river, or lake, or ocean.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Earth hour

We're supposed to go without "extra" energy from 8-9pm tonight. Since it's 7:45 this is a quick post before I shut the computer down and survive without internet for an hour.

This arrived today.

One of my favorite lesson learned from knitting was #42, All's well that ends well.
With knitting and parenting "you have to have some faith that what you are working on will become beautiful and good, no matter what it looks like right now."

It was an entertaining, quick read and I'm excited to go hear her speak in about a month.

I'm off to turn off the non-essentials and reduce my carbon footprint for an hour.


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