No longer STUCK in Illinois!! After 30 years of living in Northern Illinois we are officially nomads. Our motto....Let's go on an adventure! You'll likely find us hanging out by a river, or lake, or ocean.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Huge Yarn Contest

In 4 days a new on-line shop for all things knitting will open. It's run by Pam the Yarn Goddess and the site is Yarny-goodness. It opens for business on Saturday, February 16, 2008 at 12 noon PST.

To kick things off she's holding a contest to determine how many vendors will be with her on opening day. The following is from her blog........

The grand prize is a terrific one - don't miss out! You'll get as many skeins of indie yarn as I can cram into that bag. Green Mountain bags retail for around $150 and are very large. You may get as many as 12 skeins which are valued at around $20 each. Do the math. :)

That's just the Grand prize. She's going to give away yarn to the first, second, and third person ordering on Saturday. She's giving away skeins of yarn to random customers who sign the guest book upon entering the site. She's even planning on giving away a $50 gift certificate!

I'm excluded from the contest because I am one of the vendors but you may not be. Go, enter the contest and show your support for indie dyers!


Blogger SwissKnits! said...

So cool that you are one of Pam's vendors!! I have .... hmmmm 11 of your bags...and I LOVE them!! Good Luck. Your bags are awesome!

6:41 AM


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