After 30 years of living in Northern Illinois we are officially nomads. In June 2024 we sold everything and hit the open road. Our motto....Let's go on an adventure! You'll likely find us hanging out by a river, or lake, or ocean.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

My 2 year plan

Back in April I decided to create a journey for my knitting by purchasing Amtrak tickets for my boys and I to California. We traveled over 4,300 miles in a week. It gave me plenty of time to knit and listen to hours of podcasts. I started my gathered pullover(Ravelry link)

and my Noro top-down raglan cardigan(another Ravelry link).

When we finally arrived in sunny Southern CA, life was good.

We went to the beach every day and my Illinois boys loved every minute of it.

On one of our outings I came across a yarn shop,Alamitos Bay Yarn Company. This store has an annex where knitters can hang out on really comfy sofas and recliners, make a cup of tea and feel like they're at someone's house. Sweet!

Our week went by way too fast as do most vacations. It really made us question why we were traveling back across the country to go home to a location where the weather makes us all grumpy. The cost of living is lower in Northern Illinois than in Southern CA but I think we may be ready to start planning our escape plan.


Blogger Aim said...

Oh, I am so with you on the grumpy weather, why do we have to go back there" phenomenon! We are planning our own escape to Hawaii in the next 3-1/2 years--target date! Good luck with YOUR plans :)

8:31 PM


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