How did we end up here? We've lived in Northern Illinois for 29 years. Way too long for this vegetarian! Thankfully, we're only 90 miles from Madison,WI.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I'm officially an observer.

I finished the hat I decided to knit for the Olympics. I don't think I'd get any medals for this one. I'm happy I was able to follow the pattern, start and finish it in a short amount of time, and it looks like a hat. For all those still in the beginning phases of your project-keep stitching, you can do it!!


Blogger Norah said...

good for you!! It looks really nice.

5:10 PM

Blogger Heather said...

Yeah Anna!! I can't say I'm terribly're freakishly fast. :) Me, on the other hand...well, it'll be quite a shock if I finish the scarf on time. Congrats on your cute little hat!

6:25 PM

Blogger Heather said...

Oh, and I like your new look, too...matches the hat, even.

My word verification word is snatsny. I like it.

6:26 PM

Blogger Katherine said...

I value you as a friend and will therefore say publicly, "Congratulations!" In private, however, I will throw tantrums in sheer envy at your skill and speed. You are amazing, and I have 3 inches of my hat.

Pardon me while I go fling myself on my couch and howl.

9:56 AM


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