No longer STUCK in Illinois!! After 30 years of living in Northern Illinois we are officially nomads. Our motto....Let's go on an adventure! You'll likely find us hanging out by a river, or lake, or ocean.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

What else happened?

I'm really bad at responding to being tagged for a meme. It all goes back to the elementary school days where I was IT the entire recess because I was the fattest kid in school and unable to tag anyone.

While browsing JenLa I came across a recent meme and thought it was entertaining. Don't worry I'll be it and I'm not going to tag anyone at the end of this post.

Here are the guidelines:

Go to Wikipedia and type in your birthday month and day only. Then post 3 events, 2 births and one holiday that occurred on your birthday.

July 12

* 1812 - War of 1812: The United States invade Canada at Windsor, Ontario.
* 1960 - Etch A Sketch, the drawing toy goes on sale.
* 2002 - Gay rights: The Superior Court of Ontario orders Ontario to recognize same-sex marriages


* 1817 - Henry David Thoreau, American writer and philosopher (d. 1862)
* 1937 - Bill Cosby, American comedian and actor


* Kiribati - Independence Day.


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