No longer STUCK in Illinois!! After 30 years of living in Northern Illinois we are officially nomads. Our motto....Let's go on an adventure! You'll likely find us hanging out by a river, or lake, or ocean.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Meeting the Neighbors

Do you remember a time when you knew your neighbors by name? When you'd be baking and needed just a bit more brown sugar for the cookies you'd already started so you headed next door to "borrow" just a little?
I live in a mixed neighborhood of month to month renters and old timers who moved in 60 years ago. Yesterday I met one of those old timers and it was so overwhelmingly warming to get to know them. I had a main piece from the spinning wheel that needed repaired so I walked over to a neighbor's house to get his expert opinion on how to proceed. This gentleman has been a wood worker all his life and woodworking continues to be his passion. He gave us a tour of his workshop and showed us the many items he has made. The amount of time and effort spent on each piece was breath taking. Before we left he had my kids each pick out an item that caught their eye. He was pretty insistent that we weren't going to leave empty handed.

Chance picked out a walnut, hand turned bowl that is beautiful.

Finn picked out a gorgeous bowl made of four different types of wood.

In the craziness that exists in our world today, it's comforting to discover such welcoming and friendly individuals. All I needed to do was make the first step and say hello.


Blogger Christine said...

I know who that neighbor of yours is! I think he married my former piano teacher late in life after she was widowed. The bowls are beautiful. He sounds very sweet. Hope he can help you with the spinning wheel!

2:02 PM

Blogger Yarn Tails said...

We have some of the best neighbors around us. One of them in our neighborhood family use to own all the land. He told us all about the area and how our house came to be.

Those bowls are just GORGEOUS!~ Very nice!!

8:25 PM

Blogger Katherine said...

Wow -- amazing bowls! Isn't it great what we find in our neighbors? :)

9:08 AM


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