No longer STUCK in Illinois!! After 30 years of living in Northern Illinois we are officially nomads. Our motto....Let's go on an adventure! You'll likely find us hanging out by a river, or lake, or ocean.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Midweek Update

I finished knitting up my husband's birthday gifts Monday afternoon. This was close seeing that his birthday was yesterday! I don't know how all of you holiday knitters stay sane trying to knit up gifts for Christmas and/or Hanukkah. I realized right after I took up knitting almost 2 years ago that the only people truly appreciative of hand knitted gifts are knitters. They realize the time involved in a hand knit project. Still, I manage to forget this fact especially when the weather turns colder.
In other "news", I was contacted this week by a local Illinois Yarn shop,Chix with Stix. They ordered some of my sock bags to carry in their store. This is very cool! I hope to head over in a couple of weeks to check out the shop. If you are on Ravelry-check out the ChixWithStix group over there too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved!!! my birthday gifts.

12:10 PM

Blogger Heather said...

Omg, congratulations!!! Good for you, Anna! Your bags really rock...and they're beginning to turn me into a collector. I've really begun to enjoy having a bag for every project on the needles, and I think I need more...

And yes, holiday knitting IS craziness. That's why I started in freaking August. Still craziness, though.

1:06 PM


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